He's Joking With You, Can't You See?

She wanted to hit someone just because of a disagreement. This was Sister's style!

The people behind An Mingchen immediately made a defensive stance to prevent Rong Xuelong from doing anything unexpected.

But An Mingchen waved his hand calmly. "It's okay, she won't cause any trouble."

Rong Xuelong almost yelled. "Mr. An, come and fight me one on one if you have the guts. I want to hit your head till your brains come out!"

Rong Linyi and Madam Rong stopped the irritable Rong Xuelong almost at the same time.

No one had realized An Mingchen's other abilities, but he was good at angering others.

"What an interesting woman. You must have abused your husband a lot, right?" An Mingchen smiled happily.

"My hubby is very obedient. I don't have to do anything!" Rong Xuelong was enraged like a lioness locked in a cage.