There's No Way to Make Up For It Even With Death


Rong Xuelong screamed. "Where did Yanyun go—Oh my god! Yanyun!"

She was agitated and her face was red. She almost fainted again.

Ying Xiurui was stunned for a moment and hurriedly asked. "Have you seen her since we came back?"

"I've seen her!" Rong Xuelong clutched her hair. "I even spoke to her. She was here!"

"What I mean is, did you see her face? Have you spoken to her face-to-face?"

Rong Xuelong was stunned.

Ying Xiurui walked to the window and opened it.

The wind and rain outside immediately blew in.

He glanced down, then closed the window again and touched the curtains.

"What have you found?" Rong Xuelong's words were shaking.

"She walked through the window." Ying Xiurui deduced. "Touch it. The curtains are completely wet. The moment I opened the window just now, it couldn't reach this humidity. This proves that someone has opened the window for a long time. You… is your Yanyun a good person?"