The Cry of the Newborn

Her stomach was too big.

It was very inconvenient to climb such a ladder.

Not to mention her current state.

"I can't take it anymore… I…" Su Yanyun leaned against the wall and slowly slid down. She finally couldn't help but scream.

He Yueze was even more panicked than when his own wife was giving birth.

He looked around and suddenly saw a familiar symbol on a nearby door of a cabin.

"Let's go there!" He suddenly thought of something. "Let's go, Yanyun, endure a while more."

He kicked open the cabin door and saw a small yacht.

"Yes, this is a place specially used to store small yachts." He said a little happily. "Some yachts have radio equipment. Let's go in first. I'll try to contact the cruise ship's cockpit."

He helped Su Yanyun climb in.

Su Yanyun rolled on the deck the moment she entered.

This yacht was very luxurious and had two floors. There was a small bath on the deck.