She's Tougher Than I Thought

"Are you trying to kill me with the cold?" Madam scolded. "You placed me here and didn't even give me a blanket. You wanted to freeze me to death. I knew you were such an evil woman."

Su Yanyun glanced at the dark curtains.

It was at least 30 degrees outside…

Only Madam would wrap herself up like a mummy.

"Madam, do you want to try opening the window? The temperature outside is very high and it's also good for indoor ventilation?" Su Yanyun completely ignored her scolding and suggested.

"You really want to kill me!" Madam grabbed the bell and shook it desperately.

Sister Mei came over quickly.

"Chase her out! She wants to kill me!" Madam pointed at Su Yanyun and said to Sister Mei.

Sister Mei was shocked for a moment and hurriedly pleaded for Su Yanyun. "Madam, Yanyun definitely doesn't think so. She's not such a person."