Thank Her for Hurting You

Madam still asked for a room on the second floor. Su Yanyun stayed next to her, and Xiao Tang had his own room and a big playroom. The things inside were enough to make a five-year-old child dazed.

Everything was arranged.

Sister Mei came to look for the owners with some information.

There was a transparent sunny room on the second floor. Madam and Su Yanyun were drinking afternoon tea inside.

"Madam, Miss, Young Master is already at the age to go to school. This is the information of the best schools in the city. Do you want to examine it?"

Madam waved her hand. "Our child definitely has to go to the best. It's fine as long as it's the best."

"Yes." Sister Mei had expected Madam to say this and changed the document.

"Here is information about Miss's enemies." Sister Mei's words attracted everyone's attention.