She's Really Lucky

"But Daddy didn't even smile from his heart." She waved her little finger.

"Daddy's smile in the past is completely different from his smile this time."

"How did you tell?" Rong Linyi was curious. "Did my eyes change?"

Rong Liangliang looked at Rong Linyi's eyes and she shook her head in disappointment. "No changes. But I can feel that my heart and Daddy's heart must be connected."

She placed her hand on Rong Linyi's chest.

Compared to Xiao Tang, her fingers were thinner and paler, making them look especially exquisite.

Rong Linyi felt a small area against his heart. His wide palm covered it and his lips moved slightly. "Yanyun…"

This feeling was like every time Su Yanyun sat in his embrace and placed her hand on his chest.

"Daddy… Mommy will come back." Rong Liang nestled in Rong Linyi's embrace obediently. "I'll accompany Daddy and wait for Mommy to come back with Daddy."