I'm the Island Tyrant

Su Yanyun and Xiao Tang… were stunned.

That was it?

She had slapped someone twice in a row and thought that the other party would slap her back crazily.

Su Yanyun was even prepared to lose her identity and tug at her hair.

Who knew that this woman would actually cry like a child and call her mother for help?

"Mother, you have to uphold justice for me…" Rong Xueling cried intermittently. "She hit my face and even yelled at me… Boohoo… you have to help me hit her back…"

Right at this moment, Rong Liangliang suddenly exploded and yelled. "You deserve to be hit! Who told you to bully me!"

Then she turned and ran out.

Rong Xueling immediately stopped crying in shock. "Rong Liangliang—"

Su Yanyun also chased after her hurriedly. "Baby!"

"Rong Liangliang, Rong Liangliang…" Rong Xueling wiped her face and chased after her. "Don't go crazy, don't run, don't let your father worry…"

But Liangliang was already gone.