This Is My Evil Fate, My Life

"Return her to me! The baby is so young, what did she do wrong? Yes, it's my fault, I took her away… Don't blame her."

Su Yanyun panicked when she heard his cold and heartless tone.

The baby was her heart. Whoever held her baby would be the one holding her life.

"Mommy—" Rong Liangliang was shocked.

But then, a heart-wrenching cry sounded.

"Don't hit her! Don't hit her! I beg you, don't hit her!" If Rong Linyi was in front of her now, Su Yanyun would definitely kneel down.

"Stop, don't hit my baby!"

"Mommy, save me—" Rong Liangliang screamed.

Rong Linyi's voice was heard again. "You won't be able to see her anymore. That's all."

The call ended.

Su Yanyun called again, but no one picked up.

She called again and the phone was turned off.

She panicked completely.

She rushed out of the room and was about to come out.

"Mommy, what's the matter?" Xiao Tang saw Su Yanyun's panicked expression.