Daddy and Mommy Are Like Prince and Princess

"What's wrong? What are you guys making a ruckus about?"

At some point in time, Rong Jinghui had arrived.

It was customary for him not to be present for the reunion tonight. He was a loner and did not like to gather with his family.

Hence, everyone agreed to his absence.

At that moment, he had just finished some company matters. When he returned home, he saw this chaotic scene.

"Rong Xinming wanted to take advantage of Yanyun," Rong Linyi said lightly. "I think he was beaten to death by me."

Rong Jinghui immediately took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves.

"Jinghui, forget it." Rong Xuelong hurriedly pulled him back. "Forget it, don't kill him."

Rong Linyi had always been gentle with his attacks. At most, Rong Xinming was half dead.

However, if Rong Jinghui were to make a move, the second branch would be in deep trouble tonight.