Let the City Watch Our Joke

Hua Qingmei gritted her teeth, but she had no choice but to lower her head.

Today, making her apologize to Rong Linyi had already made her extremely angry. However, Rong Linyi was still the Rong family's head.

But Su Yanyun was just a junior.

To admit her mistake to a junior, she felt that she had lost all her status in the family. She had fought with Madam Rong for her entire life and had never admitted her mistakes to her. However, today, she had no choice but to beg for this daughter-in-law's forgiveness.

"Yanyun, you're beautiful and kind. You won't argue with my family's XIao Gong or Xiao Ming, right?" Hate welled up in her heart, but she forced a smile. "I'll apologize on behalf of my babies today. You're magnanimous and will forgive us, right?"

Not only did she not mean what she said, she even changed her mind and asked her babies to "take the blame".

Su Yanyun couldn't help but sneer at the same time.