The Urge to Cry After Being Wronged

There was another uproar online.

The three children's voices were young and tender, and the words they spoke were filled with a kind of fear-inducing malice.

It was precisely because they were young and ignorant that they seemed to be even more malicious and terrifying.

Perhaps they had no idea what they were doing or what they were talking about.

But the more it was like this, the more terrifying it seemed.

Internet pal A: "F*ck, f*ck, f*ck! I've been slapped in the face! This turn of events caught me off guard! @Qingguo Honghong I apologize to you, God's prophecy!"

Internet pal B: "They can say such vicious words at such a young age, what an outstanding first year student. @Qingguo Honghong as their neighbor, you should know more. Please tell me the stories around you!"

Internet pal C: "When a minor meets another minor, there's a devil in the world."