Did You Do It Again

Old Master Rong bolted upright.

Her anger towards the twins was replaced by a complicated feeling.

"Why did they fall?" He was anxious and angry. At the same time, he felt like he had been plotted against. "I was looking for them just now and they fell. Second Daughter-in-law! Did you do this again?"

Hua Qingmei's entire body trembled, and she spoke incoherently.

"Dad, you, I… Why would I… My good grandsons… What happened to my good grandsons!"

The twins were sent to the hospital. The situation was abnormally serious.

Xiaogong was pinned down by Xiaoming. His arm was broken and his head hit the corner of the stairs, causing internal bleeding.

Once they reached the hospital, they were sent to the operating theater.

As for Xiaoming, he was relatively less injured. He only sprained his ankle and had many small cuts on his body.

However, he was also quite frightened, so frightened that he could not even speak properly.