Yanyun Is Not a Shallow Person

"My grandfather is Type AB and as far as I know, the Rong family doesn't have Type O blood. Unless Sun Lirong has Type O blood, her child can't be Type O," Rong Linyi said slowly.

"But Sun Lirong said herself that she's Type B, then… there are only two possibilities…" Su Yanyun raised her finger.

"Firstly, either the child isn't hers or… the child isn't from the Rong family."

Rong Linyi held the little woman. "There's another possibility."

He kissed Su Yanyun's forehead. "That is, Rong Xinming is not from the Rong family."

"Pfft." Su Yanyun laughed. "Why didn't you say that Rong Xiaoda isn't from the Rong family?"

Perhaps the second branch's entire family wasn't from the Rong Family?

Wasn't this conjecture too exaggerated?

"I was thinking." Su Yanyun clasped her hands. "There's something wrong with the blood type of the second branch's twins. Would Hua Qingmei know?"