Don't Blame Me for Being Unrighteous

Rong Jinghui moved and she dodged to the side.

"Third Young Master, goodbye!" Then, she had already fled the cafe, leaving Rong Jinghui alone.

"Ha, it's best if we never see each other again." She ran towards her sports car quickly, opened the door, entered, and started… all in one breath.

It was only after she ran for a long time that she rubbed her still sore chest with lingering fear and cursed silently.

Her chest was something that even Rong Xiaoda, her "current" boyfriend, had never touched before.

After catching her breath, she reached for the recording pen.

This time, she couldn't help but slam on the brakes!


Sisi yelled, "Where's the recording pen!"


Luo Hao returned to his residence and unexpectedly found Hua Qingmei there.

"Qingmei, you're back? Why don't you look good?" He walked over and hugged Hua Qingmei. "What's wrong? The Rong family found out that you stole that set of antiques?"