The Cuckold Is Bigger Than the Sky

"Sisi? Who is Sisi?" The Old Master was confused.

Qiu Shuyu coughed dryly and pretended to smile. "She's Xiaoda's new partner. She's a very good girl. She's beautiful and capable. I heard that she's even pregnant with our Rong family's child. Xiaoda was just about to marry her another day…"

"Ridiculous!" Unexpectedly, the Old Master immediately yelled at Qiu Shuyu. "I already have a great-grandson, and you're making me a grandson again. How is it possible that the uncle is younger than my nephew? What kind of woman outside is worthy of our Rong family's child?"

"Father! You can't say that. You haven't seen Sisi before and don't know how good she is!" Rong Xiaoda said indignantly. He didn't even see Qiu Shuyu signal him with her eyes.

"How good can she be?" Old Master Rong was enraged. "I don't believe that a good woman can make a son and a father fight?"

"If Sisi isn't good, will this brat Jinghui compete with me?" Rong Xiaoda disagreed.