Retribution Arrived, How Could She Not Take Advantage of It?

Three hours passed.

Old Master Rong already understood everything.

Especially when the butler at home came to report and told him that the house had been burgled.

According to the surveillance cameras, the thief was really family—Sun Lirong, who had disappeared with her children.

There was a missed call on the Old Master's phone. It happened to be from Sun Lirong.

But she hung up before he could answer. When he called back, no one was listening.

Tonight was destined to be a sleepless night.

"Ridiculous! Too absurd!"

Along with the biological test report was Rong Ligong's blood type report.

"Type O blood. How could our Rong family possibly have a child with type O blood?" The Old Master threw all the things on the table to the ground and pointed at Rong Xiaoda. "Didn't you say that what Hua Qingmei said was all fake? Your grandson isn't even your biological son. What else do you have to say?"