Don't Lie, I Will Confirm It

"Was it you?" Madam Rong's eyes were cold. She was usually reserved and low-profile, and it was rare for her to be so sharp. "Did you poison Father?"

Qiu Shuyu looked at Madam Rong in a daze. "Poisoned… what did you say?"

"Stop pretending." Madam Rong approached step by step. "Father's organs are failing and there are signs of poison being found. Tell me! What poison did you poison him with?"

Qiu Shuyu seemed to be shocked by Madam Rong's news.

"I, I didn't poison him. How could I possibly poison the old man? I…"

Suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something and immediately shut up.

"Yes, what's the point of my mother poisoning Father?" Rong Xiaoda helped Qiu Shuyu explain. "Father is in trouble. Why didn't you ask the doctor and instead find my mother to make a fuss?"

"Haha." Madam Rong narrowed her eyes. "Your mother knows very well what I mean."