Sir, Do You Need a Female Partner?

Sisi looked very young.

Although she had adjusted her appearance according to Madam Rong's, her youthful energy couldn't be hidden.

Hearing a girl who looked younger than her talk about life and death, Su Yanyun couldn't help but sigh.

"Your friend will definitely be fine." She was calm. "No matter where you go, just remember that I'm here. If you encounter anything that requires my help, don't be restrained. You've helped me so much, I don't even know how to thank you."

Sisi smiled sweetly. "You said it yourself, Yanyun. I won't be rude when I need you. Okay, I'm getting off the ship…"

Hua Qingmei never expected this.

She had drifted at sea for so long and thought that she had arrived at customs in other countries.

In fact, she was still wandering around the harbor of C City.

Sisi got off the cargo ship and looked up at the sky. She muttered to herself. "Where am I going to find Rong Jinghui…"


Late at night.