A Married Person Must Avoid Suspicion

"In that case, the police said that she hit someone? They want you to bail her out?" Qiao Sisi was a smart person and immediately understood the whole story. "Perhaps the victim's family still wants to extort a sum from your Rong family?"

"So, I won't care about this." Rong Jinghui raised his hand.

"Tsk, what a heartless person." Qiao Sisi winked. "The little sister called you clearly to ask for your help. From your description, she's a little girl who cares about her face. She fell out with her family and could only ask you for help. In the end, you actually refused."

"She's indeed not related to me by blood." Rong Jinghui's eyes were numb. "I'm married. I have to avoid suspicion."

He had to learn from Rong Linyi at all times!

Qiao Sisi propped her chin. "You should go. I can tell that your father likes her a lot and your mother hasn't completely let go of her. Just be a filial son and fetch her back to make your parents happy."