I'll Only Give You One Minute

The scene fell silent.

The man's body seemed to tremble for a moment before he slowly looked at Rong Xuelong.

Rong Xuelong felt as if time had stopped.

She had the urge to hug the man in front of her, grab his collar, and ask him who he was and why he was here.

She wanted to treat him unscrupulously like before.

But… in the end, she still stood quietly and let her emotions hit her heart like waves.

The man looked at Rong Xuelong. His eyes were calm and unreadable.

The people around were all looking at them and didn't even dare to breathe loudly.

After a few seconds, the man turned around and ordered the adjutant. "Let's go."

"I said bring me along!" Rong Xuelong yelled.

She walked forward impulsively.

But the adjutant and a few others stopped her.