What Will Happen If You Betray Us?

Hearing her husband's words, Madam Qiao gritted her teeth and rubbed her temples that were hurting.

"Just to get rid of our Qiao family, he acted like this for us to see and let that woman bully us… My head still hurts even now. And Xing'er… I wonder if there will be a scar on her wrist…"

"Actually, the simplest and most direct way is to kill her." Qiao Kouliang sneered. "We just have to make an example of her and kill that woman and child together. When Ye Qiaoxin sees their bodies, he will naturally know what the consequences are for going against the Qiao family!"

"Yes…" Madam Qiao was a little worried. "But Ye Qiaoxin is so powerful now. If we really anger him…"

"Haha, have you forgotten that we still have a trump card?" Qiao Kouliang narrowed his eyes. "If Ye Qiaoxin really wants to be an ingrate, we can just leave! Ha! We all know his secret, right?"