No Matter Who You Are, I Won't Submit To You

Ye Qiaoxin's expression darkened with every word Rong Jinghui said.

What he hated the most now was others comparing him to Jiang Chenglong.

But what was even more unbearable than comparison was that the other party actually treated him as Jiang Chenglong.

"The Qiao family is right." Rong Jinghui didn't just say this. "The reason you're where you are today is all because of them. They gave you new memories, a new identity, and a new future. Without them, you're nothing. You're just an abandoned son of the Jiang family who was given charity by my sister!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Qiaoxin punched him.

Rong Jinghui immediately took a step back.

He didn't intend to fight Ye Qiaoxin here.

But the next second, he deliberately continued to mock him. "What? You can only fight? Do you think I'm talking about your sore spot or the truth?"

Ye Qiaoxin didn't answer and only swung his fist at Rong Jinghui again.