Don't Die After a Strong Struggle

Qiao Sisi wanted to push this man away.

But in the end, she still pestered him without any bottom line.

A moment later, the two of them separated and panted slightly…

"Alright, that's it for tonight." Rong Jinghui said. "If you dare to send me away alone in the future, I'll cheat on you!"

"You make it sound like you didn't do it tonight." Qiao Sisi snorted.

Rong Jinghui smiled when he heard this. "In that case, even if I cheat, can you accept it?"

Qiao Sisi almost kicked his important parts.

"Do you think I'm the kind of person who has no bottom line?"

"You're not." Rong Jinghui became serious. "Because we're the same kind of people. I… am not either."

"Tell me, what did you do to Qiao Xing'er?" Qiao Sisi raised her hand.

Actually, the moment Rong Jinghui appeared, she knew that he had nothing to do with Qiao Xing'er.

But the perfume told her that the two of them must still have had close contact.