It's Been Five Years, But You Still Haven't Improved At All

"Whether she forgives you or complains about you is between the two of you."

Rong Linyi's words sounded very reasonable.

But Ye Qiaoxin knew that things were definitely not that simple.

This brother of Rong Xuelong, the head of the Rong family, was definitely not here to negotiate with him.

"I'm only here to tell you what our Rong family wants to do." Rong Linyi looked up.

If he didn't know that Rong Linyi was blind, Ye Qiaoxin would have been deceived by the faint light in his eyes.

"I want to send her back to the country immediately." Rong Linyi said the second half of his sentence.

"Impossible!" Ye Qiaoxin refused without thinking. "She just got out of the critical period. She can't take the long journey."