The Last Straw

An Bufang placed her hand on the bed.

"Since you're not Chenglong, this woman, this woman… Ah!"

She screamed.

She touched the woman's skin.

Her skin was cold without any warmth.

She… she was not a living person!

It could even be said that she was not a person at all, not even a dead person!

An Bufang seemed to have guessed something and was instantly enraged.


She grabbed the edge of the bed and flipped the entire bed over.

The "woman" in the wedding gown on the bed rolled to the ground and the equipment was pulled to the side.

A noblewoman screamed and some men immediately tried to save the "bride" on the ground, but when they touched Rong Xuelong on the ground, they realized why An Bufang was so angry.

"Rong Xuelong" was a rubber dummy on the ground!

The church was very dark. Coupled with the oxygen mask and other equipment, no one could see the woman on the bed clearly.