We Have No Reason to Let Her Go

"Is it about Sister?" Su Yanyun asked Aunt Chen.

"This… I'm not too sure." Aunt Chen replied apologetically. "Madam only asked you two to go over and didn't say anything else."

Rong Linyi pondered for a moment. "Why didn't she call me directly?"

"Madam said that it was more convenient to call me." Aunt Chen explained. "She even said that she was afraid that Young Master was resting and didn't want to wake you up."

"Got it, we'll be right there." Su Yanyun hurriedly said to Aunt Chen, afraid that her face would turn red again if she continued.

Could it be that even Madam Rong knew about Rong Linyi holding her while driving?

She had to avoid making a call in case she encountered a "car accident"?

After packing up, Rong Linyi and Su Yanyun arrived at the Rong Residence.