I Won't Leave You Again

"Are you sure? They won't allow us to be in any danger? Those kidnappers won't hurt us either?" Rong Xueling felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell.

"I paid for them. How could they hurt you?" Xu Yueshan smiled. "Don't worry. Xueling, when you return to the Rong family and get more power, don't forget me, your good sister."

"I won't forget you. Shanshan, during this period of time, you're the only person who's good to me. I'll remember you forever!" Rong Xueling nodded seriously.

She got out of the car and walked towards the district ahead as Xu Yueshan had said.

After walking for a long time, an unfamiliar man suddenly stopped her.

"Ms. Rong Xueling?" The other party asked her.

"Yes, you are…" Rong Xueling looked at the man in front of her. He was very tall, and his face was fierce. He didn't look like a good person.

"Follow me!" The man suddenly grabbed Rong Xueling's hand and dragged her forward.