I Don't Know If He's Dead Or Alive

Perhaps Du Mengmeng's expression was too calm, the gun in the young man's hand fell to the ground.

"Someone wants to kill her." He said to Du Mengmeng with difficulty. "Protect her…"

After saying this, he fell to the ground and was completely unconscious.

Du Mengmeng was in no mood to care about his life.

She ran in the direction Rong Liangliang had left.

"Liangliang! Liangliang!" Du Mengmeng shouted as she ran. "I'm Godmother Mengmeng! Come out quickly, I'll take you away!… Oh my god, why are children so good at running…"

"Godmother Mengmeng…" Suddenly, a thin voice sounded from afar.

"Liangliang!" Du Mengmeng hurriedly pounced over.

Rong Liangliang was hiding in the trash can with the phone and was about to call her father.

Unexpectedly, she heard Du Mengmeng's shout.

She knew Godmother Mengmeng. Other than being a little greedy, she had a good character.

Du Mengmeng carried Rong Liangliang out of the trash can.