She wants to kill sang Xia, the Mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the Oriole behind

The moment this thought came out, Rong Zhan's mind uncontrollably recalled a certain scene.

That was a few months ago.

His relationship with sang Xia was not as bad as it was now. To be more precise, he was still forcing her into a relationship.

That night, he couldn't knock on the door of her small apartment, so he broke into her room through the window.

She was so frightened that not only did she ask him to get out, but she also wanted to rebel like an angry kitten, saying that she didn't want to have anything to do with him anymore. She even threatened to throw money at him and ask him to get out.

She only stopped after he threatened her with her brother.

He had asked her where the money came from, but she didn't say anything. He had thought she was just saying it casually. After all, in order to avoid being wanted, she had stopped being a hacker. She wouldn't dare to take on big jobs with other identities, let alone have any money.