Cohabitation (6)

"I'm sincere. I really want to treat you well."

if saying that he liked her was more or less a white lie, then wanting to be good to her was a fact.

He had tried to deal with this matter with the mentality of both personalities getting along with her.

He wanted to try it out with her.

Therefore, he would dote on her. He had said before that at the moment, he was still a student in his eyes. At most, he was just a sister. How could he not treat her well?

Even if it was like an elder.

an mu smelled the refreshing scent on his body and the faint rosin.

Her small hands unconsciously grabbed his clothes.

She regretted it.

She regretted what she had just said.

he regretted doing so many things.

it was because she didn't just like him. she didn't just love him. there seemed to be something deeper.

She had fallen for him.

perhaps it was now, or perhaps it had just begun.