A tall figure and a small one emerged, and the secretary cast a curious glance at Baby Chi, who appeared to be a little adult, before she smiled, bowed, and led the way. "Manager He, please follow me."
"Sorry... sorry for the trouble..." The driver sneakily glanced at Baby Chi and then followed.
"The Representative just arrived at the company and is still busy with other work. I haven't had the chance to inform the Representative about Manager He's arrival, so I'm afraid you'll have to wait a bit longer. Is that alright?"
"It's alright."
The secretary seated them on a sofa in the resting area outside the Representative's Office, asked them what they wanted to drink, and then went to prepare the beverages.
Baby Chi's eyes were fixed on the office door nearby from start to finish, feeling slightly restless inside.
The driver took the opportunity to bring it up again, "Little Young Master, can you give me back my phone now?"