63. Measures

Sam's words caught everyone's attention. Leo thought for a while and couldn't figure out why it was so.

However Dalia had a conjecture, "I think we have been looking at this the wrong way. He did attack us and he did do it with ease but if he wanted to kill us, it wouldn't be that easy."

Her words made sense to everyone, a man wearing white checkered shirt asked with confusion, "That may be so but it still leaves us a question, why?"

Leo looked towards the man, he was called Joseph and he is a class B Extraordinary. Prior to today he was on a mission and only got here for the emergency meeting.

Arthur who was silent upto this point said, "Whatever his motive was, it will be made clear in the future, it's best if we don't come up with wrong scenarios and make dumb decisions."

Sam nodded and said, "Alright. Coming days all of us will patrol the area, I will ask for some support from the combat division. Joseph, once William gets here you take a couple of men and patrol the area. Take some flares with you as well, if any situation arise, immediate use it."

"Leo, Arthur, you two take some men as well and go around the port. I will continue with Dalia."

Arthur raised his head and said indifferently, "There is no need for those weaklings to come...

Ahem! Ahem!

Leo coughed slightly and closed his eyes. Arthur frowned for a second before it dawned on him, "I mean, it's better if both of us go alone, there is no need to risk the lives of other agents."

Sam raised an eyebrow, he looked at Arthur who seemed different from his usual arrogant condescending self but since they were in an emergency meeting he didn't think too far into it, "Then it's settled."

The meeting was adjourned. Walking out Leo secretly gave a thumbs up to Arthur. Dalia suddenly came up to him and asked, "Leo, wanna get some coffee?"

Leo accepted, "Ok. Oh, Arthur, you can join us. Is it ok, Dalia?"

Dalia hesitated for a moment and agreed, "Ok."

The three of them walked towards the dining area and got some coffee. A strange silence followed the three of them, only the sound of sipping coffee could be heard. Leo found it suffocating and asked, "Ah, right. Dalia, I heard both of your families are quite close."

Dalia didn't immediately reply, she swirled the cup in her hand and said, "My father only had a single friend growing up and that's uncle Lex, so yes, you can say our families are quite close."

She went silent after saying that.

Oh hell, got off on the wrong foot.

Leo didn't give up, "Heh, what is he like? I can hear from your tone that you respect this uncle Lex a lot."

Dalia showed a light smile, "Of course, he treats me very well and he is the only one that supported me when I said I wanted to become an agent. He believed in me."

"He must be a great guy."

Dalia smiled cheekily, "Hehe, uncle Lex is easygoing and funny, aside from my family he is the closest person to me."

Leo could hear how happy she was from her words, Arthur looked dazed when he saw her smile. Leo lightly nudged him under the table, Arthur snapped back and took a mouthful of coffee and swallowed it, he gathered his courage and asked, "Dalia, it's been a while since you went to visit my father, do you want to go... sometime?"

Dalia calmly replied, "Thanks for the reminder, I will visit him when I have time."

Arthur's shoulder slightly slumped as he said, "Ah, oh, al-alright."

This is going nowhere.

Leo suddenly thought of something, "Since we are free why don't we spar?"

Dalia's eyes lit up when she heard him, Arthur was also interested to see the extent of Leo's strength.


Both of agreed immediately. They finished their coffee and went towards the stairs that led underground. After walking down for sometime they came upon a metal door, a round handle was fixed to it.

Leo grabbed the handle and twisted it, sound of metal rubbing against each other was heard and the metal doors were opened. The door was several meters thick and was quite sturdy.

The three of them stepped inside. Leo faced them both and said, "Come at me."

"Both of us?"

Leo nodded. Dalia and Arthur hesitated for a second, however they suddenly felt a murderous intent lock onto them. Out of instinct they took a step back and pulled out their gun. Taking a deep breath they hesitated for a moment and attacked.

Arthur took a side while Dalia attacked upfront, she moved like a snake and fired shots at Leo. Arthur however got close and used his space ability to blink above Leo.

Leo stood there calmly and let the bullets fall. However they were shredded under his domain. Arthur and Dalia weren't surprised, they knew Leo had a domain and these kind of simple attacks would do him no harm.

Arthur continued to fire but this time his shots were laced with his ice ability. The surrounding air was starting to chill, however Leo was unaffected by this. His domain cut down everything around him.

Suddenly Arthur did something unexpected, he blinked for a second and came rushing at Leo. Ice crystals materialised around his leg as he delivered a harsh kick towards Leo's head.

Dalia was stunned, she quickly adjusted herself and fired from Leo's blind spot.

Well... he changed his fighting style.

Leo was slightly surprised, just slightly. He ducked his head, Arthur's kick missed. He blinked again and swept towards Leo's leg, Leo stepped aside to dodge. All while he was battling Arthur he was also blocking Dalia.

Arthur let go and used his abilities crazily, the air around them was now foggy and could freeze a normal person to death. Within this freezing fog Arthur blinked around and attacked relentlessly.

Shots after shots were fired as Arthur blinked around Leo, however unlike their fight before Arthur didn't completely rely on long range attacks. With each shot fired he got close to Leo and striked at lethal points.

Cold air wrapped around his body like an armour, each strike carried bone chilling cold power. Leo had to focus his domain to destroy the cold air before it reached his innards.

This guy...

By now Leo was stunned. Arthur was learning amidst battle, his tactics as well as battle prowess was improving by leaps and bounds!

The air within the secret room was filled with cold air, ice started to cover the walls and the floor. Dalia could feel her joints turn stiff from cold and retreated. She could no longer participate in this battle.

Only the sound of guns firing could be heard.

Within the freezing fog Arthur was panting, his body was covered in frost and was trembling but there was a glint in his eyes. His pupils shrunk when he saw Leo stand amidst the cold leisurely, he wasn't the least bit affected!

Taking a deep breath Arthur withdrew his power, the fog started to disperse and temperature returned to normal. As soon as it disappeared Arthur fell down and fainted.

Dalia was startled, she hastily ran to him and checked his pulse. She only drew a breath of relief after knowing he was fine.

Leo stood beside them and said with admiration, "This guy is something, he grew in battle."