316. Dark Undercurrents

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While Leo and Shinobu were having a comfortable vacation, Ichigo was busy. He was with Kisuke, trying to find a way to unlock every power inside him without losing control.

"The situation isn't looking good. That final form of your zanpakuto... it's drained out the core of your power."

Kisuke spoke solemnly.

Ichigo wasn't that bothered by his words and asked, "There is no other way?"

Kisuke thought for a while and replied, "There is. Though the core of your power is drained, it's still there. We could jump start it, but...

Ichigo quickly asked, "But?"

"But we need a lot of spiritual energy, atleast ten times the amount of a captain class shinigami."

When Ichigo heard Kisuke, he was stunned.

"And that's just the beginning. Even if we could get your powers back, we still need to find a way for you to use your Quincy, Hollow and Shinigami powers as one. That's a tall order."

Kisuke said solemnly.

Ichigo took a deep breath and asked, "Since you are speaking so much, I'm assuming you found a way?"

Kisuke nodded, "Oetsu Nimaiya."


"Oetsu Nimaiya, Royal Guard to the Soul King, also known as 'God of the Sword'."

Ichigo knew nothing of this person, however he did know about the Soul King. That was the existence that kept the balance between the three worlds.

"How can he help me?"

Hearing him Kisuke explained, "According to what I understand, Oetsu Nimaiya forged every Asouchi there is in the Soul Society. That is to say, he forged every single zanpakuto out there."

"Your situation is a bit special. He has never touched your zanpakuto, as such it is imperfect. We need to find a way for him to reforge your zanpakuto."

"He is the only person who can resolve the conflict between the three powers in you."

Ichigo clenched his fist. Finally, he found a way. Though this method might be far fetched, it is still something to hope for.

"Right now, we need to jump start your dormant strength. For this, you need to contact Leo."

"Huh? How did he get into this?"

Kisuke smiled slyly, "If we want to gather spiritual energy for your need, one person is not alone. I plan to have every captain donate some of their spiritual energy. That should give us enough juice."

Ichigo rubbed his forehead, "So you want to me have him ask the captains to give up some of their spiritual energy?"

Kisuke smiled, "Simple, right?"

Ichigo cursed, "Simple, my ass!"



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