341. To The Palace Once More

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From the perspective of Leo's Spiritual Sense he saw a peculiar power flowing out from the corners of the Seritei. It merged with the light covering them and disappeared.

Those are...

Leo had a faint inkling of what was happening. He was no stranger to the energy that disappeared into the light. He had felt the same power before, from the Quincies who battled him.

Those strange abilities, they all had the same feel to it.

When the pillars of light descending on Seritei disappeared, the Seritei began to tremble. Not just the Seritei, but the entire Soul Society started to shake.

"What's happening!?"

Everyone had the same question.

Not long after, they got the answer.

The spiritual energy around them started to change. It became so much saturated that Byakuya and the other Shinigamis found it hard to control the spiritual energy around them.

Kisuke who saw these changed turned solemn, "Looks like the worst scenario has happened."

Leo asked, "What?"

Kisuke looked to the sky and said softly, "The Soul King is dead."

Everyone was shocked. Ichigo immediately denied, "No way. The Zero Squad is still up there. How can those guys be defeated?"

Kisuke shook hi head, "You are underestimating Ywach. That man must have had sufficient confidence if he knocked on the front doors of the Soul King's Palace with the Zero Squad still there."

Leo cut in and said, "This changes nothing, we are still going up."

Everyone nodded solemnly and moved towards the direction of the second "Heavenly Pillar". The woman Leo saw before was already there with everything prepared.

All of them stepped into the Pillar.


Without further waiting the base of the Pillar exploded, the reaction force blasted the pillar towards the sky.

The crowd felt the weightlessness that came with flying for a while before they felt the Pillar's movement coming to a stop.

As they stepped out Ichigo and company couldn't help but cry out in shock.

"Where the hell is this place?"

They all had the same thought in mind.

Even Leo was a bit surprised.

What appeared in front of the them wasn't the five trays that housed the five members of the Zero Squad, but a single structure that resembled a five pointed star when looked through an eagle view.


His face turned solemn.

Destroying something was easy. However what Ywach did here was completely different.

He reconstructed the entire Soul Society that naturally favoured the Quincies.

Leo was just about to find Ywach when a voice echoed in his ear.

'Call out my name...


Leo recognized the owner of this voice. It was Ichibe Hyosube. The strongest Captain among the five Zero Squad members.

"Ichibe Hyosube."

Leo muttered his voice as he asked. As he spoke those words he saw the air in front of him twist and form a vortex.

From the vortex the figure if Hyosube jumped out.


Ichigo was startled and jumped back thinking it was an enemy. When he saw it was Hyosube he heaved a breath of relief.

"What happened?"

Leo asked.

Hyosube didn't immediately reply. He saw down on the ground and said after a moment if silence.

"The others are dead. Ywach killed the Soul King and assimilated his powers."

His words made the others realize the gravity of the situation. Even before Ywach was someone who barely had any opponents.

And now with him obtaining assimilating the Soul King's power... no one knew how powerful of an enemy he had become.

Leo traced the hilt of his sword. A sharp glint passed through his eyes.

"Let's go."



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