347. Chakra

(Grab the rest from WWW.PAT..REON.COM/SONUAMEER. Thank you.)

Kabuto led them towards a cave hidden by vines and weeds. If one didn't look close they would fail to notice such a cave.

Once they were inside he put the woman down slowly and used that strange power once more to make sure she was alright.

After he was done he revealed a faint smile, "It's so great to see you again, sister."

The woman in question frowned in her sleep when she heard him. Kabuto made sure she was comfortable before he turned to face Leo and Shinobu.

"My name is Yakushi Kabuto, may I know your names?"

Leo smiled, "My name is Leo Heart, this is my wife, Kocho Shinobu. Both of us are travellers from far away."

Though his words were full of doubtful remarks Kabuto didn't mind it and said, "Thank you for saving Sister Nono. If there is anything you need, please feel free to ask."

Leo and Shinobu looked at each other for a moment before Shinobu spoke up, "If it's not too troublesome, can you tell me what that strange power you used before was?"

Kabuto suddenly looked at the both of them with slight surprise and doubt. However he still answered.

"What I used is called Chakra. It is an energy formed by the mixing of Spiritual Energy and Physical Energy."

"Chakra can be used to reinforce physical skills, or to perform ninjutsu."

Leo asked curiously, "Ninjutsu?"

Kabuto didn't reply. He made several signs using both hands before speaking a bit loudly.

"Doton: Mud Wall!"

As he spoke the ground trembled for a moment before a wall rose up. It immediately blocked the entrance of the cave.

"This is Ninjutsu."

Kabuto spoke after doing so.

Leo walked to the mud wall and placed his hand on it. As he felt the rich amount of earth elements a peculiar glint flashed in his eyes.

He turned around and asked, "Forgive me if I am being too nosy, but how did you end up fighting this woman, who seems to be an important companion of yours."

When Kabuto heard his question a look of hatred flashed in his eyes.

"It must be the work of that man! He must have threatened Sister with me or the other children!"

Leo didn't intend to pry into the details. He observed the woman lying on the floor. After a while he frowned.

Shinobu noticed his expression and asked, "What's wrong?"

Leo rubbed his chin and said thoughtfully, "Her spirit is disturbed."

Shinobu immediately understood the underlying meaning in his words, "You mean...

Leo nodded, "Someone messed with her mind. That would explain why she didn't recognize him."

Both of them didn't lower their voice as they spoke so Kabuto heard them loud and clear.

Anger flashed in his eyes as he clenched his fist.


Leo didn't have to think far to understand who this would be.

"What's your next plan?"

He asked.

Kabuto was about to speak when the woman next to them coughed.

She struggled a bit before opening her eyes. When she saw a bunch of strangers she instinctively wanted to get up and put up a defensive stance.

"Sister, don't move! Your body is still weak."

Kabuto was anxious as he said hastily.

The woman frowned when she heard the way in which Kabuto addressed her.

"Who are you?"

Kabuto's heart pained when he saw her look, "Sister, it's me, Kabuto. Don't you remember?"

The woman frowned, "No. You are not Kabuto! Why are you pretending to be him? Who are you?"

Kabuto turned anxious.

Leo immediately stepped forward and patted his shoulder, "Tell her or show her something that could prove your identity."


Kabuto's eyes brightened up. He took off the glasses he was wearing and showed it to the the woman.

"Sister, look. You gave me this because I couldn't see things clearly."

The woman seems to have thought of something. However immediately her face twisted in pain.


She fell on her knees and started to scream.

"What's happening?!"

Kabuto immediately ran to her side. However Leo pulled him back.

"Let me."

Before Kabuto could react Leo flashed in front of the woman and pointed his index finger at her forehead.

A golden stream of Spiritual Energy shot into the woman's forehead. Immediately her screams came to an end, and she lost consciousness.

Kabuto rushed to her and checked her for any injuries.

"What happened?"

Leo explained, "I told you, someone played with her mind. There was something that kept her from accessing her real memories. I didn't expect you to trigger such a huge reaction in her."

"Luckily this gave me a chance to bypass the seal and break it from the inside. Now, once she wakes up she should remember you, the real you, not a fabricated one."

Kabuto had no words to show his gratitude. He simply knelt on the ground and bowed.

However Leo waved his hand and got him up on his feet.

"What's your next plan?"

Hearing him Kabuto clenched his fist, "Of course I'm going back to to that bastard!"

Leo curiously asked, "Aren't you afraid he will kill you?"

Kabuto showed a derisive smile, "I've worked as an undercover agent for so long. The kind of intel I have on the village is something they can't even imagine. If they think they can kill me without any repurcussions then they are sorely mistaken."

Leo grinned, "So you are the vengeful type."

Kabuto replied, "I am just a normal human. Beyond a certain point even a normal person might bite back."

Leo shrugged, "True."

Suddenly Leo thought of something and asked, "You said something about a village. What's that?"

Kabuto hesitated for a moment. However when he looked at the woman sleeping soundly beside him the hesitation in his eyes vanished.

As a ninja it's taboo to reveal his true identity. However as he remembered the benevolence these two had shown him, Kabuto decided to trust them.

"Konoha. The name of my village is Konoha."

(Grab the rest from WWW.PAT..REON.COM/SONUAMEER. Thank you.)