Cannot Escape From His Clutches 3

"It turned out that she was drugged," Ye Ming murmured, feeling relaxed. If she was drunk, he did not know what to do with her. But it was a different story if she was drugged. He knew of several ways to make her wake up as soon as possible.

Ye Ming made Yang Yuxi drink some water and patted her down. After a while, Yang Yuxi uttered a sound and woke up eventually.

"You're awake." Ye Ming leaned forward. Yang Yuxi opened her eyes to see a man hovering over her and was in shock. She remembered that she was drugged previously and she knew immediately what was happening right now. She gathered her strength and tried to knee the person hovering over her.

Ye Ming was caught off guard and they were in the car, there was no space for him to dodge. He had no time to dart to the side but he shifted sideways and was hit on the thigh.

"You damned woman, what a nerve." Ye Ming's face turned red, staring angrily at Yang Yuxi. He did not expect that she would repay kindness with ingratitude. He had saved her but instead of being grateful, she tried to knee him. Thankfully she had just regained her senses and had limited strength, if not, the consequences could be disastrous. He could not help but suck in his breath at this thought.

"You are a filthy rogue. I did not expect you to chase me all the way here." Yang Yuxi gave him a lecture. She opened the door from the other side, stared at Ye Ming's twisted face, saying cheerfully, "This will be a lesson for you. In the future, treat women with respect. Don't be so lecherous and shameless." She adjusted her clothes and made a quick escape.

"Damn woman, you won't be able to escape." Ye Ming curled up on the car seat, staring at Yang Yuxi's back, gritting his teeth. Initially, seeing that she was somewhat similar to the person in his heart, he was all ready to bury the past and forgive her previous provocation, but now it seemed that she had lost the chance.

The vulgar youth from afar watched as Yang Yuxi got out of the car. He behaved as if he had seen a ghost. This was not the first time they used this drug and hence he knew the effects very well. Ordinary people would be knocked out for at least three to four hours. But ten minutes had barely passed and Yang Yuxi was able to sober up. It was unbelievable.

"Brother Jie, the woman got out of the car and left. Should we follow her or not?" The vulgar man asked, "What crap is this? Keep a tight watch on that man," Yao Jie yelled. Right now, he only had revenge in mind. He wanted to teach Ye Ming a harsh lesson. As for Yang Yuxi, he could not be bothered with her now.

The bright lights of the cars glared. A few cars sped and braked suddenly, stopping with a loud braking sound. Six vans and one Mercedes stopped in front of Herring Bar. The doors to the cars were opened at the same time and 20 to 30 men came rushing out of the cars. They were clad in black suits and sunglasses, every one of them looking fit and extraordinary.

"My brother-in-law is here. Brother-in-law! Brother-in-law!" Yao Jie broke out in a wide smile at the sight of this group of people, waving and greeting them. A chauffeur-like person got off the Mercedes and opened the door respectfully. A man in his early thirties came down from the car. He was well-built and had clean features. He looked to be calm and collected. His hair was immaculate, one look and one could tell he was a successful man.

"Brother-in-law, you are finally here. If you were not here, I would have been killed." Seeing that his brother-in-law was there, Yao Jie poured out all his grievances. "How did this happen to you?" Liao San frowned. "Brother-in-law, it's the man over there. He was the one who hit me. He said that even if you are here, you still have to kneel down and beg for mercy." Yao Jie pointed toward Ye Ming's car.

"Oh, really? I would like to see the person that is that arrogant." There was a flicker in Liao San's eyes and the group of them walked toward Ye Ming.