He Is...The Legendary Young Master Ming 1


Yao Jie was terrified. His brother-in-law had always been formidable and mighty. He never thought that one day, he would kneel in front of others, kowtowing in fear and begging for mercy.

"Who is this man?" Yao Jie could not help but think of this question. He was well aware of Liao San's might. Even when he was with Master Hong of Aoba gang, he would smile and joke with him. However, he behaved like a dog begging for mercy in front of this man. Could it be that this man was even more formidable than Master Hong?


Since things had come to this stage, Yao Jie turned weak in his knees and he knelt down. This brought about a chain reaction, where everyone from the Aoba gang knelt down at once.

Plop! Plop! Plop!

Everyone knelt down and no one was left standing in front of Ye Ming.

"Young Master Ming, please spare our lives!" "Young Master Ming, please spare our lives!"

Under Liao San's lead, everyone in the Aoba gang also began to kowtow to Ye Ming, begging for mercy. All at once, the whole street was a dead silence, even the wind stopped. There was nothing but the sounds of kowtowing that echoed in their hearts as well as the fearful cries of mercy from the gang.

There was a faint smell of blood in the air. The atmosphere became stagnant. Everyone had a perplexed look on their faces, including those who thought highly of Ye Ming. They were just as stunned.

"Who the hell is he?" The onlookers speculated within themselves, not daring to take in a deep breath. They looked at Ye Ming with shock and in awe, watching as the arrogant and conceited Aoba gang knelt down in front of him, begging for mercy.

"Young Master Ming, please spare our lives!"

Liao San's forehead was a bloody mess. His face was stained with blood. However, he kept kowtowing as if he did not feel the slightest pain, begging for mercy with apparent fear in his voice. Ye Ming frowned at the sight of the large crowd who knelt down in front of him. He knew that he could forget about fighting with them. They had already begged for mercy in fright, he could not possibly give them a beating.

"Scram!" Ye Ming said lightly. Liao San behaved as if he was given amnesty, letting out a long breath.

"Young Master Ming, thank you for sparing our lives! Young Master Ming, thank you for sparing our lives!"

Liao San kowtowed with all his might for several times, finally relaxing his tensed up nerves. He climbed up with shaking hands and legs. A gust of wind blew in the air and he trembled. Unknowingly, he had broken out in cold sweat.

Seeing that Liao San had got up, Yao Jie and others followed suit. All of them were getting ready to leave when Liao San noticed that Ye Ming swept his gaze over Yao Jie. His heart jumped a beat and he stepped forward, kicking Yao Jie to the floor, giving him a few harsh blows to his face, snarling at him, "Did anyone tell you to walk? Didn't you hear that Young Master Ming told us to scram?"

While he was speaking, Liao San kicked a few other people to the ground and he squatted down as well, smiling with trepidation at Ye Ming. He put his hands on his head and began rolling away from Ye Ming. The Aoba gang took a glimpse and hurried to wrap their hands around their heads, rolling on the floor. All of a sudden, more than 30 people rolled on the ground like rolling gourds.

"This…" The crowd was stunned. Although they knew that Ye Ming must be very impressive since Liao San knelt down and begged for mercy, however, they were once again shocked when Liao San and his gang rolled away on the ground.

This scene was funny and hilarious. If it was under some other circumstances, they would have broken out in laughter. However, at this moment, no one dared to laugh. They felt nothing but shocked and this scene was deeply imprinted in their memories. Many years later, they would still remember clearly there was a man who stood proud and mighty as more than 30 people rolled on the ground, begging him for mercy.