He Is...The Legendary Young Master Ming 3

"Brother-in-law, we don't know the background of this guy and we knelt down to him, isn't it too…" Yao Jie felt indignant. "Are you saying that we are being cowardly?" Liao San grunted. "Do you think that I liked kneeling down to him? You have dignity and pride, but I don't? I can tell you very responsibly that I did this to save everyone's life. If I didn't beg for mercy today, all of us will die."

"Aren't you being too extreme? As you have said, this man only resembled Young Master Ming, there is also the possibility that he is not him," someone said. "Exaggerating? Let me tell you, notwithstanding that the man resembled Young Master Ming, even if he bore very little resemblance to Young Master Ming, I would not hesitate to kneel today." Liao San's swept his cold gaze over everyone and continued, "Even if he is not Young Master Ming, it is not shameful that we knelt down to him as he resembled him. However, if he is really Young Master Ming, and we did not kneel down, then it is a dead-end for us."

"Brother-in-law, who is 'Young Master Ming'? If he is so formidable, why haven't I heard of him?" Yao Jie asked in a quavering voice. He was in awe of the Young Master Ming that Liao San mentioned. "I don't know the details." Liao San shook his head again.

No idea, he had no idea again. The rest of the gang looked at each other but no one made any comments now, except to stare at Liao San, waiting for him to explain.

"I am not certain of Young Master Ming's identity, but I heard two rumors regarding him," Liao San pulled out a cigarette and took a puff before saying. "What rumors?" Yao Jie hurried to ask. The gang was all ears. They were very interested as well, wanting to know the background of such an impressive figure who made the arrogant and unyielding Liao San be in awe.

"Have you heard of the Axe gang?" Liao San asked. "Yes." The group nodded, some felt puzzled. Could it be that Young Master Ming belonged to the Axe gang? The Axe gang was very powerful a few years back, but they had fallen apart. The Aoba gang had taken over part of their territory. Even if he used to be their leader, Third Brother should not have held him in awe and reverence. Liao San noted their expression and knew what was on their minds as he reprimanded them angrily, "What are you talking about? Yes, the Axe gang has fallen apart, but even if it was at its prime, I would have no fear of them."

"Brother-in-law, what kind of person is Young Master Ming? Please tell us," Yao Jie urged. "Young Master Ming had to do with the downfall of the Axe gang," Liao San said. "Third Brother, are you saying that Young Master Ming destroyed the Axe gang?" Someone exclaimed. They finally understood why Liao San was in awe and reverence of Young Master Ming. If he could destroy the Axe gang, it would not be difficult for him to destroy the Aoba gang.

"I can't really say that Young Master Ming annihilated it. But the gang fell apart because of him." Liao San paused before saying, "About two to three years ago, the young master of the Axe gang badmouthed Young Master Ming and the Axe gang was annihilated because of that."

"Are you saying that Young Master Ming ordered people to destroy the Axe gang?" Yao Jie asked in a quavering voice, feeling the chills behind his back. Liao San shook his head slowly. "Of course not. Young Master Ming did not even know about this. It was one of his men working under Young Master Ming who heard of this and spread the word. All the gangs came together including the government to annihilate the Axe gang."