Poking Fun 2

"Get lost! Who wants to give birth to a child from you!" Yang Yuxi spat. "I'm afraid it's not up to you." Ye Ming tugged the corners of his lips. Initially, he meant it as a joke. However, at the sight of Yang Yuxi's overreaction, he suddenly felt that this was a good idea. "Go away, don't come near me." Yang Yuxi wore a wary expression. She retreated step-by-step, watching Ye Ming as if he was a wild beast.

"Miss Yang, I advise you to adhere to young master's wish. Our young master's identity is extremely noble. Given his status, many people revere and admire him. Countless women dream of giving birth to his child… " The two women in cheongsams were dumbstruck again. Seeing that Yang Yuxi avoided Ye Ming as if he was a beast, they could not help but speak. "You can go ahead and give birth if you want to. I have no wish for this," Yang Yuxi interrupted them. His identity or status did not have anything to do with her. Not every woman was materialistic.

"Woman, do you know that as long as I curl my fingers, countless women are willing to give birth to a child for me?" Ye Ming sneered. "You can go and find someone else to do that then," Yang Yuxi said. "I only wish to have a child with you now." Ye Ming stared at her teasingly. At the sight of how anxious and panicky she looked, unknowingly, he felt extremely good. "But I don't want to do that. I won't give birth to your child either." Yang Yuxi glared at him furiously. She could not wait to smash that detestable face of his to pieces. So what if he was rich? Could he trample on other people's dignity? Could he humiliate her in this way? He was such a loose man to get others to give birth to children for him. He was really a full out pig.

"Tell me. Should we give birth to a boy or girl?" Ye Ming advanced towards her and asked with a seeming smile. "You… " Yang Yuxi's phoenix-like eyes widened. This man could not understand human language, couldn't he? Didn't he hear her say that she did not want to and would not give birth to a child for him? He actually asked her if it was better to give birth to a boy or girl. They had just known each other today and met thrice, okay? The relationship had not reached such a stage.

"I think a boy is better. If you give birth to a girl and her temper resembles you, that will be terrible. A boy is better. He will be adorable and suave. He'll definitely be a handsome little boy." Ye Ming ignored the rage in Yang Yuxi's eyes. "Whose temper did you say is terrible? You're the one who has a terrible temper. So what if it is a girl? A girl is better. She will definitely be gentle, pretty and understanding. If it's a boy, he will be naughty and mischievous and may even be a chauvinist. That's terrible then," Yang Yuxi retorted.

"Oh, so you like girls. That's fine too. Let's have a girl then." Ye Ming suddenly had a moment of realization and acceded to her wishes. There was a row of imaginary back lines on Yang Yuxi's forehead. She only cared about refuting his accusations earlier and unexpectedly fell for his trick. She glared at him angrily. "How many times do I have to say it before you can understand? I don't want to and will not give birth to a child with you."

"It doesn't matter whether you want to or not. Most importantly, I want to," Ye Ming said angrily. "Go ahead and give birth on your own." Yang Yuxi rolled her eyes. She decided to ignore him. It was simply a waste of time to talk to such a conceited and arrogant man.

Ye Ming did not utter a word. He walked towards Yang Yuxi in large strides. "What are you doing? Don't come near me," Yang Yuxi said frantically. "Giving birth to a child. Didn't you ask me to give birth to one?" Ye Ming said. "Who told you to do that… I'm asking you to give birth to one on your own. I didn't ask you to look for me. Don't touch me. Get lost!" Yang Yuxi said agitatedly. Both her hands were moving about everywhere to prevent Ye Ming from approaching her.