Conditions 1

"Don't go overboard," Yang Yuxi snarled. "Am I wrong? Or you aren't planning to sign the agreement?" Ye Ming said lightly. Yang Yuxi could not rebut him, she could only glare at him angrily. Right then, someone passed by. It was Zheng Rui, Yang Yuxi's colleague from the same office.

"Xiao Yang, why don't you invite your friend to take a seat in the office?" Zheng Rui blinked. "Sister Zheng, you have misunderstood. He is my student's uncle." Seeing that Zheng Rui had a meaningful smile on her face, Yang Yuxi knew that she had misunderstood them, hence she hurried to explain. "Even if he is the parent, you can still invite him to take a seat in the office." Zheng Rui smiled. "We'll be done in a minute," Yang Yuxi said. Now that she finally sent Zheng Rui away, she motioned to Ye Ming and hurried to more toward the school gate, so that no one else would notice that she was with Ye Ming.

Ye Ming followed right after Yang Yuxi, the corner of his lips curled to form a smile. This woman was unlike other women who could not wait for the entire world to know that they were together. This woman hid the fact that they knew each other, she avoided him as if he was a wild beast. It was as if knowing him was a very embarrassing thing. But the more she avoided him, the more he wanted to go against her wishes.

"You seem very afraid to get involved with me."Ye Ming caught up with Yang Yuxi with his long strides, as he leaned forward to speak into her ears. The latter stiffened and jumped away, looking about guiltily. Seeing that no one paid attention to them, she then snarled at Ye Ming, "Hey, I don't know you well. Please keep a safe distance."

"Yang Yuxi, don't you think it is very rude to address your master with 'Hey'?" Ye Ming mocked her. "You… I haven't agreed to it," Yang Yuxi shouted. "Do you dare to not agree to it?" Ye Ming sneered. "Ye Ming, apart from using your power to force others to submit to you, what else are you capable of?" Yang Yuxi arched her eyebrows to question him. "I know how to press someone down on the bed," Ye Ming replied. "Shameless!" Yang Yuxi was shaking with anger. If possible, she did not want to stay with him for a minute longer.

They two of them left the school while bickering with each other. Ye Ming motioned for Yang Yuxi to get in the car, while he sat comfortably on the seat. "Can you give me your answer now?" There was a look of misery on Yang Yuxi's face but it was gone in seconds. She no longer felt like bickering with him as she said completely humiliated, "I can sign the agreement, but I have a few conditions."

"Oh, tell me about it." Clearly, Ye Ming was in a good mood. He did not object to it right away but allowed her to continue. "I can promise to be your… servant." Yang Yuxi felt a stab in her heart at the mention of the word 'servant'. A sense of humiliation swept over her that she almost ended up in tears. She clenched her fists, taking in a deep breath to keep control over her emotions before she continued. "First, I will not provide sexual services; second, I will only work part-time. I cannot resign from teaching, and I hope that when I work, you won't show up or bother me…"

"Yang Yuxi, who do you think you are? What right do you have to state your conditions?" Ye Ming sneered. Did this woman really think that she was someone special and she could state her conditions and reach out for a yard after taking an inch? "Third, I need to have a deadline. I only agree to be your servant for a year. All the debts are considered cleared after one year." Yang Yuxi ignored Ye Ming and continued with the third condition that she had in mind.