Increasing Popularity

Ye Erruo was dumbstruck. "Director Mu, what do Little Ah Di's issues have to do with me? Also, what kind of training am I participating in?"

She was attending training as a singer?

Why was the company asking her to participate in a training session now?

"This is a decision made by the company. There will be many celebrities signed by Sheng Yun there as well. The company put in a lot of effort to clinch this opportunity. When the time comes, your popularity will definitely increase tremendously if you participate with them. You will subsequently rise to the top," Director Mu explained.

The company had received a notice that assigned Ye Erruo to attend the training…

Ye Erruo was speechless.

She could rely on her own capability to rise to the top slowly. She didn't need… Forget it, the company meant well anyway. Attending this event with other celebrities would definitely increase her popularity. It would be good to train her body as well…