
Perhaps, she had truly and completely become an integral part of his life.

Outside, night had already fallen. The temperature in the woods was running relatively low, so he wrapped her tightly in his jacket to keep her warm.

It was not until half-past eight that they started making their way back. He was driving with one hand on the steering wheel, while his other arm was draped over the sleeping woman.

Back at the camp, a group of soldiers was gobsmacked by the sight of their chief returning with a woman in his arms. Even though he had wrapped her tightly in his jacket, her long tresses swayed and danced along with each of his movements.

A woman? Is our vision impaired, or is that a woman?

Boss actually brought a woman back? Unbelievable! This is absolutely unbelievable!

Who said that no one would want someone as cold and aloof as our boss?

Who said that our boss would forever be a bachelor?