This Man Is Interested in His Woman

"Hello, Young Master Mo!"

Chen Zhanxiao was speechless.

These girls have never been quite so enthusiastic despite spending so much time with me. Chief has only been here for a couple of hours… Tsk… Look at them now.

As Mo Jiangye approached them with powerful strides, he cast a sidelong glance at Ye Erruo and lifted his thin lips into an imperceptible smile.

"Coach Mo, can I ask you a question?"


"What kind of women do you like?"

The question instantly piqued everyone's curiosity as they stared at him with excitement and anticipation.

"Yao Tiao, step forward and do a hundred push-ups!" barked Chen Zhanxiao frigidly.

The lass remained in place. "Coach Chen, my question was directed at Young Master Mo."

"Come over here!"

The other man, however, answered her question with a smile. "Disobedient women."

Ye Erruo was left speechless.