Taking Her Bungee Jumping

"There are only two options: You can either walk over by yourselves or have someone carry you over. However, no one will help you when it's time for you to cross over to the starting point! If you can't cross over, then be prepared to sit and wait on the mountain with no help."

Acrophobia could be overcome, especially with the help of a team.

"Stare straight ahead! Don't look down!" The head coach held on to one of them and issued a stern instruction.

"You have all overcome many challenges in the past few weeks. Is acrophobia worse than those challenges? Carry on walking."

"Walk faster."

As her head was spinning, Ye Erruo held onto the handrail beside her and took baby steps forward amidst the howling wind. Behind her were several instructors.

Mid-way, she could stand it no longer and threw up after squatting to the side.

"Are you alright, Ruoruo?" Yao Tiao caressed her back as she tried to calm her down at the same time.