I Am Sorry, Sis-In-Law

Upon looking past her shoulders, she saw Xu Xu standing a short distance away, staring with a complicated expression between her and the flowers in her hands that she pushed back into Sun You's arms.

Xu Xu's eyes darkened as he stared closely at Ye Erruo as though he had caught the two of them committing adultery.

"N-No. It's not what you think." She shoved the flowers into the other guy's arms and shook her hands and head frantically at him. Alas, it only made her appear guiltier than ever about being caught red-handed.

His gaze then landed on the bunch of flowers in the young chap's arms, and the complicated look in his eyes intensified even more.

She glanced at Sun You before hastily snatching the flowers back from him.

"Is this a yes?" His eyes sparkled with hope as he gazed fixedly at the woman before him.