Fleeing With Him

Mo Jiangye's eyes were blazing red with a murderous aura as he coldly glanced at the woman lying on the floor.

Ye Erruo had never expected to meet such an unreasonable shrew that day.

She hugged his arm tightly the moment his body shifted. "We need to go home and get ready. Lin Jingxuan's engagement ceremony is about to commence soon."

His gaze, however, never left the scattered fruit and vegetables on the floor. She hastily crouched down and picked up the dropped items to place them in the trolley she had brought over since the grocery bags were now destroyed. Some of the fruit was damaged, but since they had yet to pay for them, she placed everything into the trolley.

Astonished people surrounded them before the majority of the curious onlookers scattered at once.

"What's with this guy? How can he resort to violence?"

"Shh… Keep it down…"

"Quick. Go get the security officer."