Thinking About His Woman?

"Handed it over to a man?" His last words were uttered in a higher pitch.

"Yes, Young Master. He seemed to be Young Madam's friend. The one million yuan that Young Madam borrowed previously was also for this friend."

He lowered his gaze to look at the woman sleeping soundly. He was upset. Friend? What kind of friend was so important that she would give him one million yuan?

Was he really just a normal friend? Even if he forgot about the money, she had still opened a bar and handed it over to this "friend" to manage!

Plus, he did not know this friend of hers, who was also a guy! Countless bad thoughts revolved in his head within a second.

Even when they were back home, he still could not forget about this "friend". He could only stare blankly at the backseat while Bo Yu was looking at him a little uncomfortably.

"Young… Young Master, we are home."