Call Me Hubby One More Time and We Will Rest

"Ruoruo, didn't you say that there wasn't anyone beside you?" Lin Jingxuan's head was simmering with anger.

Mo Jiangye grabbed the phone in her hand and flung it onto the bedside cabinet.

"What? She didn't tell you that I have been under the same roof as her this entire time?"

Lin Jingxuan gritted his teeth in fury. She had lied to him?

"Mm? What are you talking to my wife about, Master Lin? She was rather happy today. Why does she look so disgusted after talking to you on the phone for no more than a few minutes? She looks like she is ready to vomit. Like she just saw a piece of sh*t."

Lin Jingxuan laughed angrily. "She used to love me deeply, which is why she hates me so much now."

"Hurts," Ye Erruo protested coquettishly.

"Where does it hurt, baby?" he asked in a deep, low voice.

"Where does it hurt? Psst… Is your Chinese zodiac sign the dog? You bit me."
