Sell It For 800,000 And Return To The Countryside!

The afternoon that Mo Jiangye left, Ye Erruo moved into the other room and kept the red furry fella by her side closely. It followed her wherever she went, its excited little body jumping at every step.

"Young Madam, someone has sent something for you." A maid walked in with a box with gorgeous packaging.

On the intricate pink glass box was a lovers' design with two rows of loving sentences. On the corner of the box was a bow, and a shining diamond was embedded in the middle of the box.

Ye Erruo had just changed clothes and was ready to head out when she saw the box in the maid's hands. She furrowed her eyebrows and asked, "Who sent this?"

"I, I do not know. That person has left."

"Didn't I tell you not to sign for any unknown parcels? Remember, do not sign or accept anything in the future. Take this out and deal with it yourself. Red Bean, let's go!" Ye Erruo took her purse from the clothing rack and walked out.