A Call From Young Master

The white princess bed, which was a few meters wide, was surrounded by a number of people.

"What happened to her?"

"Sir, this lady was submerged in freezing water for some time. She was lucky to escape unscathed in such cold weather."

Frowning unhappily, Bo Jinyan reached out to touch her forehead with the back of his palm. "When is she going to wake up?"

"This lady has caught a bad cold, so her fever will persist for a few days. She has a good constitution, though, so she'll be fine when the fever subsides. She won't catch a cold easily after this."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Don't worry, sir!"

"You can all leave now."


The servants briskly took the basin and left the room quietly, leaving him behind with Ye Erruo.

"He he…" A low, throaty chuckle escaped his mouth. While he was looking at the woman lying on the bed with his arms hugging his chest, he leaned against the door frame with a half-smile on his face.